Maybe a new way to use your gift

two hands holding a giftA friend is considering a new life direction – a change of career. She’s responding to a tug in her heart to use the gift of compassion that God has given her. She already uses it in her day-to-day life, but she wants to share that gift more deliberately.

So I reflected on my own life. I’m fairly content in my day-to-day work life and extra-curricular activities. But then, I’m fairly content most of the time anyway. (Not that I don’t get frustrated by stupid things that happen every day – either of my own doing or through no fault of mine. Those who spend time with me often hear me raise my voice because of something crazy that happens.)

But there’s always a push to improve our lives. Grow, grow, grow. Learn, learn, learn. Stretch, stretch, stretch.

“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (Peter said that.)

I love his emphasis on using our gifts to serve one another.

Using my gift to serve someone else in a new way… I’ll be thinking about how and put a few ideas in the comments below during the next few days.

And if you have any ideas, please share those with us. Thanks!

Paul Merrill writes here every first Friday.

Photo is Creative Commons licensed – courtesy of David Orban on Flickr.

One thought on “Maybe a new way to use your gift

  1. Paul Merrill

    So, here’s one way I shared my gift – of sharing – with others… I anonymously gave two people coffee gift cards – to brighten their days. Even though I can’t see their expressions when they open those little gifts, it gave me great pleasure to do that.


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