The next chapters.

A hero (that’s you) has a problem (fill in something like “I don’t understand Advent or Nehemiah”). A guide shows up (me) with a plan and a call to action. The guide warns the hero about the risks of not following the plan and the benefits of following the plan. And repeats the call to action.

That’s the Storybrand framework,created by Donald Miller.

It’s a story framework that explains the appeal of books and movies. It’s a marketing framework that helps businesses sell a bunch, particularly if they position themselves as the guide (“let us help you get where you need to be”) rather than the hero (“look at how amazing we are”).

It’s actually the framework of the two books I mentioned. In A Great Work, Nehemiah shows up to help me understand the story God tells about faithfulness as a person and as a worshiper and as a leader. Saint John of the Mall shows up to help me understand the anticipation which is embedded in Advent.

I think it’s in two projects I’m starting to work on. is starting to grow as a way to help people who help people with spiritual care in hospitals. Whether a new associate pastor going on a first visit to the hospital, a group of friends trying to figure out how to help friends who are burying their stillborn child, or someone who wants to understand caring a little better, I’m creating videos and posts that will be helpful.

I’m also starting to figure out how to tell you about a person I met on a recent flight and a conversation we had about a sermon of Jesus.

If you are interested in the SocialMediaChaplain project, you can sign up with this link. I’ll put you on that email list. (And if you want a free wallet card on how to make a hospital visit, my friend Patrick Riecke will mail you one. (free))

If you are curious about the sermon on the plane, stick around.