God is bigger than all that

(Paul Merrill writes here every First Friday)

As the new year and the new decade begin, it is great to feel like we have a fresh start. That’s a wonderful thing. But how long will that feeling last? In a few days or weeks we may revert back to old thought patterns.

We are worried about financial pressures.

We are worried about our car needing repair.

We are worried that we may never pay off that mortgage – or get into a house that we are paying for.

We are worried about finding a job.

We are worried about pleasing our boss.

We are worried about how we should be spending more time with God.

We are worried about the state of our marriage.

We are worried about not being married.

We are worried about our relationships with our children.

We are worried about the health of our parents.

We are worried about not spending enough time with our family.

We are worried about not having very many meaningful and deep relationships.

We are worried about what we look like in others’ eyes.

We are worried that the number of hits on our website may never increase.

We are worried about the lack of influence we have over others.

We are worried about our health and not getting enough exercise.

We are worried about global warming, overpopulation and the state of our planet.

1 Peter 5:7 says,

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

Just speak them all to God. Let him handle your big and small worries. I’m not promising a magic bullet or instant change. Sometimes God will work the change within you rather than fixing the situation. And that can be even better. Sometimes the change may take a long time. Wait. God loves you and His love will be there.

8 thoughts on “God is bigger than all that

  1. Cheryl Smith


    I’ve found that most of my prayers are not immediate yes or no answers, but the “wait” kind. If we’re truly wise, we use those times to draw close to the heart of God.

    I love “Sometimes God will work the change within you rather than fix the situation. And that can be ever better.”

    Beautiful. True. Wisdom for the day.



  2. Frank Reed


    Thanks for the reminder that I shouldn’t worry. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6 “Do not worry. In John 16:33 He assures us that he has overcome the world.

    I need to be reminded that my worries are my ‘humaness’ showing. In reality though I shouldn’t truly worry about anything because the Creator of the universe knows me by name.



  3. Pingback: On worries | Shiny Bits of Life

  4. Mimi Meredith

    And in Philippians 4, we hear “worry about nothing, pray about everything,” which I like to end with my favorite African Prayer: Pray…and move your feet.

    Here’s to letting loose of worries so we can be ready to extend our hand to another in need and to free our heart for more space for all that God wants to move through us!

    Thank you for this message!


  5. Becky

    Here’s what works for me. I think of putting all those worries and problems into a box, and handing them over. “Here. You take these.”

    Then when those worries try to come back, I realize that I’m rummaging in the box. I remind myself that I gave it away. Someone else is taking care of it.


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