The joy of your presence

God wants to be with us. He wants to share a cup of coffee during our early mornings, chat for a few moments in the lull of our mid afternoons – and relax next to us while we watch TV at night.

The beginning of Genesis describes the Garden of Eden, the perfect place God created for Adam and Eve to enjoy life. In chapter 3 is this great little sentence: “When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden.” God was sharing that garden with them. He wanted to hang out a little, but it was too late. (They had just chosen to eat the forbidden fruit, which tragically messed everything up.)

Jesus made it possible for us to return to that place. While we can’t get the full experience till heaven, here and now we can experience more of those quiet walks with him in our gardens. All we have to do is invite Him along. And we need to remove the boulders in the path between us and Him – those things we know that don’t make Him happy. You know it when you cross the line. Your conscience kicks in and says you’re stepping too far. Tell Him about those things and ask Him to help you deal with them. He will!


You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever. (Psalm 16:11.)

Finally, note that this journey is a process. “You will show me…” It’s a lifetime thing (and beyond). Our trek through this garden is best when God walks with us along each new path and juncture – through every rocky patch and across each grassy meadow.

(Paul Merrill writes here every First Friday)

6 thoughts on “The joy of your presence

  1. Pingback: The garden path | Shiny Bits of Life

  2. Joseph Ruiz (@SMSJOE)

    Thanks Paul, needed to hear this word today. What a great visual of practicing the presence of God. I thought about Jon’s advice to Hope earlier this week, worry less about what God wants you to do and concentrate more on knowing Him.
    Grace and Peace


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